Our Services

We are a comprehensive cosmetic dentistry clinic that offers a diverse array of general and specialty services.

Invisalign at Pineview dental

Invisalign treatment involves the use of a series of custom made invisible aligners used to achieve the treatment goal. The main advantage of Invisalign is that the braces are barely visible. Each “aligner” moves the tooth slowly as required and the treatment involves a series of movements as recommended by your doctor. Invisalign is very comfortable for the patients when compared with traditional braces. Your cheeks and other soft tissues of the mouth are not usually bruised as happens during the initial phase of traditional metallic braces. You can remove the invisible braces as and when required. However, you need to wear these braces for a fixed number of hours as recommended by your dentist. You can remove the aligners when eating food and brushing your teeth which helps to maintain hygiene. This helps to avoid the gum infections, enamel damage, and cavities that are usually associated with traditional orthodontic treatment.

Who needs Invisalign?

There is no age limit for Invisalign treatment. Invisalign treatment is suitable for children, youth, adults, and seniors. Invisalign is an excellent option for those who prefer to have clear braces that are hardly visible to others. Many orthodontic issues – such as spacing, crowding, and overbites – can be corrected through Invisalign treatment. Invisalign therapy may also be used to re-align the teeth after a relapse from previous orthodontic treatment. One appointment every 3 months is necessaire to follow up the treatment.

Crowns & Bridges

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are often referred to as “caps” by patients. It is a structure that is fitted on top of a tooth when a filling cannot be done, due to a significant portion of the tooth crown being damaged by decay or broken. A crown is also recommended if a root canal is present. It helps to stabilize the tooth, and may be the best treatment option for retaining the tooth. Dental crowns can be made of a variety of materials, including metal, porcelain, resin and ceramic. Crowns generally require two appointments, one to prepare the area and take impressions for the crown, and a second appointment 1-4 weeks later for placement of the custom-manufactured crown.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are a restorative technique used to replace missing teeth. A bridge is usually an artificial tooth fused between 2 crowns. The bridge is secured in place by the adjacent natural teeth; it is permanent and cannot be removed (unlike dentures). Dental bridges can last 10 years or longer depending on oral hygiene and upkeep.

Dental Implants

What is a Dental Implant Procedure? A dental implant procedure is performed by inserting artificial tooth roots. These implants bond with your jawbone, allowing the dentist or oral surgeon to place replacement teeth called crowns. Dental implants can be an option if you have one or more missing permanent teeth.
Dr Amadou has successfully performed countless of implant surgery and implant restoration.

Wisdom Teeth Removal at Pineview Dental

Wisdom tooth removal is a surgical procedure in which one to four adult teeth that are located farthest back in the dental arch are removed. Wisdom teeth are generally removed as they can cause health complications later in life. If a wisdom tooth does not have room to grown, it can cause pain, infection, migraine, oral cysts, tooth decay and other dental issues. Wisdom tooth removal may be indicated even if the wisdom teeth are not currently causing any issues, as a preventative measure. Wisdom teeth removal may also be necessary as part of orthodontic treatment. Wisdom tooth removal surgery before age 20 is typically easier than at a later age. While age does not preclude someone from getting their teeth removed, it can mean a more complicated procedure. Tooth roots are not fully formed in younger people, which makes them easier to remove and faster to heal. As you get older, tooth roots become longer, curved, and more difficult to extract.

Why Choose Pineview Dental for Wisdom Tooth Extraction

  • Sedation Dentistry: We offer different types of sedation options to maximize your comfort and help you feel fully relaxed during the procedure. Nit???
  • Experience: Dr. Amadou has successfully performed countless wisdom teeth extractions in her many years of practice.
  • Post-Op Care: At Pineview Dental, we care about our patient’s well-being on a personal level. Therefore, our dentists make an effort to reach out to patients after procedures to personally check-in and provide support.

Following your extraction

Following your extraction, you should expect to experience a certain amount of discomfort and swelling. These should both be easily controlled by 400mg of ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) every 4-6 hours for the first three days. Apply ice packs to the face every 20 min for the first day – 20 minutes on, then 20 minutes off. Avoid hot liquids or foods (allow to cool before eating) for the first 24 hours, as this may increase the bleeding you experience.
A soft food diet (pudding, fish, mashed potatoes, soup, pasta, applesauce etc) only for the first 24-72 hours. No smoking is permitted for the first 24 hours. Do not rinse, spit or drink through a straw for the first 24 hours. The day after the extraction, you may begin rinsing with warm salt water and if you are still experiencing facial swelling, apply moist heat to your face (such as a towel run under hot water and then squeezed out). Contact the office immediately if you experience any of the following after extraction: unusual or excessive bleeding, swelling or pain that is not controlled by medication. If you experience discomfort or pain 48 hours after your extraction that increases in intensity, please contact the office as you may be experiencing a dry socket.

Removable Dentures and Implant Supported Dentures

Removable dentures can be removed and inserted by the patient without assistance. They are an option for patients looking for artificial replacements for teeth and where fixed option treatments are not suitable. Removable dentures can be either partial or complete; both are custom-made and tailored to the patient’s mouth and oral health. Modern dentistry offers a number of models that look natural and are suitable for different types of clinical cases.
Partial dentures are ideal when a few teeth are missing, as they can fill the gaps or when nearby teeth are not strong enough to support a bridge. The denture is held in place by clasping on to the existing teeth and it can be removed.
Complete dentures are ideal when all teeth are missing as they replace a full set of teeth. Complete dentures are held I place by suction, and they are also removable.
In certain circumstances, a denture may be unstable due to a lack of bone. The use of implant supported dentures can provide better denture retention and improved bite strength or bite force (meaning how well the teeth can chew food). It can also help to improve dietary intake, nutritional quality and prevent unintended weight loss/malnutrition. Dentures are not the same as natural teeth.
If you have any issues with your denture, or you need a new one, please contact us at Pineview Dental. It will be our pleasure to take care of you.

Gum graft surgery

Why is gum graft surgery performed?

Current best practice, based on available research data, provides three indications for gum graft surgery:
  • Root Exposure Related Problems– The patient cannot brush the exposed root surface; the dentist detects a lot of plaque and calculus on the root; or there is the beginning of root decay. Gum graft surgery can be performed to cover and protect the root surface.
  • Hypersensitivity – The patient complains about tooth hypersensitivity due to an exposed root surface. Covering the root surface may minimize these sensations.
  • Appearance – The patient is not happy with the way the tooth looks. Thus, the root surface is covered for aesthetic reasons.
In addition, for certain cases, soft tissue grafting is recommended prior to fixed type restorations, such as crowns and implants, to protect supporting teeth. The amount of coverage depends on the shape of the root and the type of soft tissue defect, which is related to the amount and type of underlying bone loss. Sometimes it is not possible to cover all of the exposed surfaces, and sometimes multiple surgeries may be required to move the newly created soft tissue toward a crown.

How is gum graft surgery performed?

During gum grafting surgery, a periodontist will commonly take connective tissue from the roof of the mouth (palate) and suture it to the affected gum line. This allows more tissue to grow and close the exposed root surface (gum recession). After removing the tissue to be transplanted, the affected area on the palate is sutured and/or packed for healing.
The roof of the mouth is covered with a layer of tissue. There is the surface tissue, which you can touch with your tongue, and there is connective tissue, which is the layer of tissue that is between the surface tissue and bone.

There are three ways to perform soft tissue grafting:
  • Using connective tissue only – With this procedure, a periodontist will make an incision and remove the tissue that is under the surface, thereby leaving a much smaller wound on the surface of the roof of the mouth. The procedure is similar to opening a sandwich and removing connective tissue from inside The benefit of this procedure is that although it requires sutures at the roof of the mouth, it is less painful since the wound where the tissue was removed is closed during healing.
  • Using surface and connective tissue – This procedure requires removal of both the surface and connective tissue from the roof of the mouth. You may still have sutures placed at the roof of the mouth to hold the edges of the wound together. However, the procedure leaves the wound exposed, and it is generally more painful and tends to bleed more. Thus, periodontists generally use the first procedure (connective tissue only) if there is enough thickness at the donor site. When there is not have enough thickness, the second procedure (surface and connective tissue) is used.
  • Using a biomaterial (AlloDermâ) – When there is a very limited amount of donor tissue, a periodontist may elect to use a biomaterial. This treatment is dependent upon having enough soft tissue at the recipient site to hold the material..
Dr. Amadou has many years of experience in gum grafting. She will explain clearly the procedure to you and prescribe appropriate medication prior to the surgery to improve the healing process. Please call Pineview Dental for more details or to book your appointment

Teeth Whitening

Zoom Teeth Whitening & Teeth Bleaching at Pineview Dental

One of the most affordable and noticeable ways to transform your smile drastically in one appointment is professional teeth whitening. It is no wonder that in-office whitening is still the most popular form of whitening.

What tooth whitening options are available to me?

You can either choose the take-home teeth whitening kit or the in-office Zoom whitening. The take-home tooth whitening kit contains custom trays which will have a mild whitening action on the teeth. These kits are provided to our new patients who book a regular cleaning & check up. The in-office Zoom whitening will give more dramatic and noticeable results in just one appointment.

Is teeth whitening good for me?

If you have darker shades of teeth or stains, and do not have large fillings or crowns on your front teeth, most likely whitening will be safe for you. Whitening procedures are not recommended for children or pregnant women. Please ask us if whitening is right for you, and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Dental restoration or filling

This is the restoration of the tooth with any material other than the tooth itself. Restorations are needed when a portion or area of the tooth is damaged by decay, a break, or a chip. A filling is placed in the tooth to replace the hole in the tooth and to keep the tooth as stable as possible. It is like patching a hole in the wall. The smaller the hole, the smaller the patch; the bigger the hole, the bigger the patch.

Following a filling

Avoid hard foods (ie apples, raw carrots) for the first day after a filling. If you are experiencing sensitivity to hot or cold do not be alarmed, this is normal for the first two weeks while the tooth is healing. If the sensitivity persists longer than this, please contact the office, as you may require an adjustment or further treatment. When the freezing wears off, if you feel that your teeth are not meeting properly, let us know immediately so that the filling can be adjusted as soon as possible


Dental veneers are thin, custom-made covering for teeth. They are tooth-colored and cover the front surface of the teeth. They are purely cosmetic and are popular to change the color, shape, size or length of a tooth. A good comparison is placing fake nails on your fingers – they are superficial and glued on. Veneers require two appointments. The first visit the dentist will remove about ½ millimeter of enamel and take an impression to send to the lab. It usually takes 2-4 weeks for the lab to manufacture the veneers. The second visit the dentist will place the veneers.

Root Canal

Root canal therapy is a treatment used to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or infected. Root canal therapy is performed when the pulp, which is composed of nerves and blood vessels in the tooth, becomes infected or damaged. During root canal therapy, the pulp is removed, and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. After your root canal treatment, a certain amount of sensitivity is normal until healing is completed. The tooth may be very sensitive to touch for the first 48 hours. As a result it is recommended that you avoid hard foods (such as raw carrots or apples), eat on the other side, and take an over-the-counter pain medication (such as Advil or Motrin 400mg) according to label instructions for three days. If a crown has been recommended for the tooth, please try to schedule this as soon as possible to avoid fracture and loss of the tooth. 2 appointments are needed.

TMJ – Temporomandibular Joint

As a general dentist, Dr. Amadou cares about all aspects of your dental and general health conditions. During each recall exam, Dr. Amadou will assess your TMJ to make sure that all is well. If there are any issues of concern, we will make sure that you are presented with appropriate treatment options.

Mouth Guard / night guard

Compared to couple years ago, patient are Increasingly in need of Mouth guards. Mouth guard at Just Dental are custom-made for an ideal fit and durability whether to prevent nighttime teeth grinding or protect teeth from sport injuries. We offer both night guards and sport guards for children and adults to help protect teeth trauma.

If you’d like to learn more if you need a mouth guard to protect your teeth from daytime and nighttime grinding, then we suggest you book an appointment with our dentists to see if getting a mouthguard is good option for you.

Pediatric Dentistry

Dr. Amadou enjoys interacting with children. She is dedicated to ensuring that children and youth have a healthy, attractive, and functional oral environment, whatever the child’s general health or psychological state of development. We recommend that a child’s first visit be shortly after their first birthday. The benefits of this approach have been clearly proven. Children’s teeth evolve just like their minds, and consequently will be very different at the age of 3, than at 7, 9 or 14. Nothing can be more gratifying to us than to give young adults, whose whole lives lie ahead of them, health and happy teeth. Taking care of any oral health issues, and teaching them good oral hygiene habits that will help them achieve success anytime and anywhere – through the power of a smile!

Geriatric dentistry

Geriatric dentistry is concerned with the oral health of elderly persons; who may have significant medical problems, be taking multiple medications, or have psychological or socioeconomic problems that require sophisticated dental management. At Pineview Dental Clinic, we are experienced in taking care of our seniors’ dental health. Wheelchair are accessible and treatment are provided taking into account all patient medical condition

Dental Cleaning at Pineview Dental

Regular dental hygiene upkeep is the only way to keep your teeth healthy and strong. A cleaning appointment every six months with one of our dental hygienists is recommended to prevent dental decay – as they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. A hygiene appointment involves scaling of dental plaque build-up, cleaning and polishing, and assessment of your oral health. Our dentist or hygienists may recommend cleaning appointments every 3-4 months if they notice bone loss around the teeth. At least once per year during your cleaning session, the dentist will do a checkup looking for any potential issues – decay, broken teeth, gum disease, TMJ problems, or undiagnosed oral cancer/precancerous spots. Preventative services may be advised to help retain healthy gums and teeth. Preventing gum disease is our primarly goal, as untreated gum disease will eventually result in mobility of the teeth, infection of the teeth, and loss of teeth and alveolar bone. Once teeth and bone are lost due to gum disease, extensive procedures such as implants and dentures are required. Small steps in preventative oral health can keep your gums in good health. Contact us today to book an appointment for cleaning.

Oral and Nitrous oxide sedation

If needed we can provide oral sedation or Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) to our patient creating the most relaxing dental experiences.